Monday, October 24, 2011

Ian Fisher American Soldier

A.The most powerful image of the slide show is when Ian's friends Shane and Buddha cry when he leave to the military.

B.The most powerful sequence of photographs are the begining when they show his life and what hes leaving behind when hes sent to the military.

C.The images work together in telling the story by putting them in sequence and showing the events in order.

A. The photos in which Ian is the main the caption is in present tense.

B. The captions Enhance the photos by describing whats happening and making people think about the emotion and feelings picture has.

A. Ian is holding a Jesus Christ and praying that everything is going to be okay.

B.Ian is going through combat tranning and the prosedures of how to go in a building and make sure its secure.

C. Ian arrives home and all his friends and family are trilled to have him back and safe.

A. These other features enhance the photography by making it show the real life army experience and make you think and wonder how hard it really is.

B. I think video are way better than photography because videos show you the emotions and feelings and the way of the tone they are talking and just shows you so much more than photography.

C. Sometimes photos are better than video to show the quality and examine the enviorment and nature like land scape photography not action photography.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Funny Captions

The bull is chasing the man into the water during the run of the bulls because its a spain tradition and they release the bulls and the people run from them. Juan is running from el diablito ( The Bull) and hes being chased so juan jumps to the river and so does the bull.

The Dog is ridding shot gun on his owner motorcycle on the free way to get to their destination. Jonathan lets his dog scooby- doo ride shot gun and scooby -doo enjoys the ride.

The dog and his owner are begging for money from passing people so they can get some food to eat by kneeling and bowing their heads and having cups in the hands/paws. Victor and his dog scott are homeless and try to get around by asking for money at the bus station.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cool Video

I think that the guy who made this video need to improve it the movie was alright but it really didnt show how much fun you can have during home coming it was kind of dull .

Instagram Phone Photography

1. What theme that we could take here at school could we do a series of these panels to place around the school?
                         We could use the different type of shoes people wear.

2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones?
 I think we should use our own phone photos because it shows people the type of photos we take on a regular day instead of using profetional cameras

3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus?

I would love to put the mural on the front of the campus to show everyone the type of people and style has.

Fixed Photo Shoot Post shoot reflection

1. What i learn about the camera when i took the photos was that the camera needs light to capture a great picture and it is very sensitive to the movement of people depending on the shutter speed.

2. I notice that most of our photos are REALLY dark and they dont really show as clear because the location we took the photos didnt have alot of light to make the photograph clear.

3.You can tell the difference between each ISO by the brightness of the light and how clear it looks.

4.Taking the photos showed me that the ISO is really important when taking photos because it changes the way the photo looks and i think is the most important between apeture, shutter speed, ISO.

5. The photos with the most focus where the ones that had the most light and the darkest ones were the less focus.

ISO: 100,SS:1/15 Fstop: 5.6,Distance: 5Ft, FL:18, Lighting: Indoors

7. Next time i need to consentrate is on the lighting and The three most important parts of taking a pic on manuel Shuter Speed, ISO, Apeture.

Warm Up

1.The camera has to use the exposure bracketing function and you have to put it on Manuel mode.

2. Yes, the Canon T3 has the ability to shoot bracketed photos

3. We could take pictures like this on the football field or the courtyard.

The technique they used on this photograph was symplicity because they show the car and the enviorment it is in.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

  1. Manuel Bravo Alvarez photos that caught my attention is how explicet photography is and the brutality of how the world is.

2. I see Blood on the floor and a dead body. I see someone that lost a life. I also see the violence of the world and how people can just kill someone else.
I smell of death or skunk. I can also smell the mans cologne and the smell of gun smoke.
I hear Crying and gunshots. I can also hear people crowing the streets and sirens in the neighborhood.
I taste the blood that is on the crime scene.I can also taste the smell of the dead body thats laying on the floor.
I feel bad for him because he died. I also feel like life is presiouse and shouldnt be waisted. I also feel depress because ive never seen a dead body .

3. I would post a blog about my photographer to show how great his pictures are and how he goes for the most truthful facts and the fact that he takes pictures of how life is no matter how harsh it is.
  1. Human Eyes
  2. The smaller the aperture the bigger the picture, the higher the apeture the smaller the picture.
  3. The smaller aperture will bring all foreground and background objects in focus, and higher the apeture will make the forground objects sharp and the brackground.
  4. Yeah, the F stop is available in my camera.
  F 16
F 2.8

Shutter Speed
 At the beinning while the sun is still partially up.
A. Fast Shutter speed
 B. Slow Shutter Speed
 C. Long Shutter speed
 D.Long Shutter speed
 E. Slow Shutter Speed
 F. Fast Shutter Speed

Towards the end when there is no sun and has gotten dark enought that you cant see for one end to another.
A. Slow Shutter speed
B. Long Shutter speed
C. Long Shutter speed
D. Long Shutter speed
E. Long shutter speed
D. Slow shutter speed

2. Auto mode- The shutter speed and apeture are automaticly on in effect by the camera.
    Aperture Priority mode- Set with the lens and the camera sets the shutter speed by itself
    Manual mode- You set both shutter speed and any other settings.

3.  "bulb"