Monday, October 24, 2011

Ian Fisher American Soldier

A.The most powerful image of the slide show is when Ian's friends Shane and Buddha cry when he leave to the military.

B.The most powerful sequence of photographs are the begining when they show his life and what hes leaving behind when hes sent to the military.

C.The images work together in telling the story by putting them in sequence and showing the events in order.

A. The photos in which Ian is the main the caption is in present tense.

B. The captions Enhance the photos by describing whats happening and making people think about the emotion and feelings picture has.

A. Ian is holding a Jesus Christ and praying that everything is going to be okay.

B.Ian is going through combat tranning and the prosedures of how to go in a building and make sure its secure.

C. Ian arrives home and all his friends and family are trilled to have him back and safe.

A. These other features enhance the photography by making it show the real life army experience and make you think and wonder how hard it really is.

B. I think video are way better than photography because videos show you the emotions and feelings and the way of the tone they are talking and just shows you so much more than photography.

C. Sometimes photos are better than video to show the quality and examine the enviorment and nature like land scape photography not action photography.

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